Sushma Rawat

Director (Exploration)

Ms. Sushma Rawat is the Director (Exploration) of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), India’s National Oil Company, looking after its Exploration and Development activities. Ms. Rawat has more than three decades of rich experience in all aspects of petroleum exploration and development. She is the first women to work in rigorous 14 days shift at a wellsite in ONGC and climbed up to become the first women Director (Exploration).

Additionally, she had been on the board of OPaL (ONGC Petro Addition Ltd.) and OTPC (ONGC Tripura Power Company Limited) as Director.

She is also a member of two Inter-Ministerial Technical Committees for the implementation of CCUS Projects in India by NITI Aayog.

Ms. Sushma Rawat also looks after Carbon Management and Sustainability Group of ONGC and steering its efforts to achieve the ambitious target of reaching Net Zero by 2038 w.r.t. Scope-1 & Scope-2 emissions.

Ms. Rawat has the distinction of being an experienced and outstanding Basin and Petroleum System Analyst as well as an accomplished Exploration Process Analyst and Implementer. She has worked in several Government of India initiatives, of appraising the un-appraised basins of the country and bringing new areas in exploration fold.

She is an avid geologist and has participated & organized numerous Geological Field workshops on Modern Deltas in Kakinada, Cretaceous of Trichinapalli, Jurassics of Kutch, Triassics of Spiti, Himalayan Foreland basin & the tectonic realm of Karakoram-Zanskar. She has been actively associated as a founding member of various geotechnical societies along with organizing international level G&G Conferences like PETROTECH, APG, SPG & GEO-India. She received the prestigious L.P Mathur Memorial AAAPG-EEF Global Award-2021 for her contribution in growth and consolidation of petroleum Geochemistry in India.

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