

  • 7:00am - 9:00am
    Center Court
    7:00am - 9:00am
    Opening Ceremony
    Plenary Theatre

    • Welcome Address
    • Opening Address
    • Keynote Address
    • Official Launch

    7:00am - 9:00am
    VIP Exhibition Tour
    Conference Hall 2
  • 7:00am - 9:00am
    Center Court
    7:00am - 9:00am
    Opening Ceremony
    Plenary Theatre

    • Welcome Address
    • Opening Address
    • Keynote Address
    • Official Launch

    7:00am - 9:00am
    VIP Exhibition Tour
    Conference Hall 2
  • Day 1 | 20 Nov
  • Day 2 | 21 Nov
  • Day 1 | 20 Nov
    7:00am - 9:00am
    Conference Hall 1 Counter
    9:00am - 9:40am
    Opening Ceremony
    Plenary Theatre

    • Opening Address
    • Keynote Address
    • Official Launch

    Keynote Address
    Opening Address
    9:40am - 10:40am
    Panel Session 1:
    Charting the Course: Assessing Performance and Shaping the Future of Malaysia's Upstream Capital Projects
    Plenary Theatre
    • View Session
    10:40am - 11:20am
    Contact Break
    Conference Hall 1
    11:20am - 11:29am
    Elevator Pitch 
    Plenary Theatre 
    11:30am - 12:00pm
    Session 1: Special Address by Malaysia Petroleum Management for UPEC 2023 
    Showcasing the Elevation of Upstream Project Excellence to Deliver Malaysia’s Advantaged Energy
    Presenter: M Zohdee M Faiz (Malaysia Petroleum Management)
    Plenary Theatre 
    12:00pm - 12:30pm
    Technical Session 2:
    Malaysia Upstream Capital Project Performances: A Regional Peers Project Benchmarking
    Presenter: Manoj Prabakar (IPA)
    Plenary Theatre 
    12:30pm - 12:39pm
    Elevator Pitch
    Plenary Theatre 
    12:40pm - 2:00pm
    Conference Hall 2 & 3
    2:00pm - 2:09pm
    Elevator Pitch
    Plenary Theatre
    2:10pm - 2:40pm
    Technical Session 3:
    Thriving Through Change: Enhancing OGSE Industry Performance in the Face of Trade Liberalisation and Energy Transition
    Presenter: Ilham Sunhaji (MPRC)
    Plenary Theatre
    2:40pm - 3:10pm
    Technical Session 4: 
    RM OGP Efficient Execution: Begin with the End in Mind

    Presenters: Aik Khin Teh & Ong Min Yow (Shell)

    Plenary Theatre
    3:10pm - 3:19pm

    Elevator Pitch

    Plenary Theatre
    3:20pm - 3:50pm

    Technical Session 5:

    Standardization and Simplification: IOGP JIP33 Implementation in Malaysia

    Presenters: Nur Saleha Jayiddin (PETRONAS) & Alex Lim (Shell)

    Plenary Theatre
    3:50pm - 4:20pm

    Technical Session 6: 

    Timi Project - Discovery to FGD within 5 years

    Presenter: See Chew Li (Shell)

    Plenary Theatre
    4:20pm - 5:30pm

    Networking Cocktail

    Conference Hall 1
  • Day 2 | 21 Nov
    9:00am - 9:40am
    Panel Session 2:
    Fuelling Project Delivery Success: OGSE Performance as the Catalyst
    Plenary Theatre
    • View Session
    9:40am - 9:49am
    Elevator Pitch
    Plenary Theatre
    9:50am - 10:20am
    Technical Session 7:
    Malaysia's Yard Transformation
    Presenters: Ir. M Syueib M Ali (PETRONAS) & Prakash Kumar (PETRONAS)
    Plenary Theatre
    10:20am - 10:50am
    Technical Session 8:
    4D Planning: A New Standard for Conventional Project Controls Practices in Oil and Gas Fabrication

    Presenters: Bian Mutang Tagal (OceanMight) & Muhamad Hafiz Azlam (PCSB)

    Plenary Theatre
    10:50am - 11:00am

    Contact Break

    Conference Hall 1
    11:00am - 11:40am

    Panel Session 3:

    Resource Optimisation in Malaysia's Oil & Gas: Cultivating a Resilient and Sustainable Ecosystem

    Plenary Theatre
    • View Session
    11:40am - 11:49am

    Elevator Pitch

    Plenary Theatre
    11:50am - 12:20pm

    Technical Session 9:

    Industry Talent Framework, Reimagined 

    Presenters: Faiz Latip (MOGSC) & Noor Azura Hasran (MPRC)

    Plenary Theatre
    12:20pm - 12:50pm

    Technical Session 10:

    Leveraging Digitalization to bring Construction Productivity to the Next Level

    Presenters: Shah Ridzal A Rahman & M Harith M Rodzi (PETRONAS)

    Plenary Theatre
    12:50pm - 2:00pm


    Conference Hall 2 & 3
    2:00pm - 2:30pm

    Technical Session 11:

    Malaysia Shallow Water Well Head Platform (WHP) Product Line Playbook

    Presenter: Chung Chieng Chia (Shell)

    Plenary Theatre
    2:30pm - 3:00pm

    Technical Session 12:

    Revolutionizing Offshore Engineering: Unleashing the Potential of PTTEP WHP Bundle Design

    Presenters: Supaluck Watanapanich (PTTEP) & Sireekorn Srichompoo (PTTEP)

    Plenary Theatre
    3:00pm - 3:06pm

    Elevator Pitch

    Plenary Theatre
    3:10pm - 3:30pm

    Contact Break

    Conference Hall 1
    3:30pm - 4:00pm

    Technical Session 13:

    From Discovery to Revenue: A Case Study in Delivering a Complex Project in Malaysia

    Presenter: Sriganesh Pillay (Mubadala Energy)

    Plenary Theatre
    4:00pm - 4:30pm

    Technical Session 14:

    Lang Lebah Development Project: Unlock Treasure of Gas Reserve in Malaysia

    Presenter: Pitchai Murugan (PTTEP)

    Plenary Theatre
    4:30pm - 5:00pm

    Closing Ceremony

    Plenary Theatre
*The information provided herein may be subject to change without notice.

Malaysia Upstream Project Excellence Conference (UPEC) 2023

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